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Hans Fornalczyk
21.08.1919 - 19.05.2000, Verstorben mit 80 Jahren
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Memorial candle Hans Fornalczyk
Memorial candle Hans Fornalczyk
Memorial candle Hans Fornalczyk
Memorial candle Hans Fornalczyk

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Candle lit on 18.07.2024 18:47:02

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Gott hab dich Seelig

Candle lit on 22.08.2023 09:11:18

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Candle lit on 29.01.2023 10:54:32

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Lieber Vati ,Wir vermissen Dich alle, Ruhe in Frieden.

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1 condolences
Created: 2015-03-26 18:27:40
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Lieber Vater, Du fehlst uns so sehr, Ruhe in Frieden 

Dein Sohn Dirk

The memorial was created on 30.01.2014 from Dirk Schumann and 5.472 times visited

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